OSS-KOLL #1 WS2023/24
Date: 2024-01-16Time: 10:00 – 16:30
Title: Colloquium / Begleitseminar
Day and Date: Tuesday, 16th January 2024
Zoom: https://fau.zoom.us/j/65171598160?pwd=aEE0d2RvWG52bjExZ1V3anpabEZYdz09
Time: 10:00 - Andreas Hellmich
10:45 - Maximilian Ackermann
11:30 - Akshat Shrivastava
12:15 - Lunch Break
15:00 - Benedict Weichselbaum
15:45 - Tobias Schmid
16:30 - End
The title and abstract for each presentation has been updated in the OSS- KOLL seminar schedule: http://goo.gl/t5CW6
Please write to koll-team@group.riehle.org for further enquiries.