OSS-KOLL #2 WS2024/ 2025

Date: 2025-03-25Time: 10:00 – 13:45Location: https://fau.zoom-x.de/j/66535950101?pwd=YfPvoNQM0qD8zPbSjsmjk7M5ROtKPV.1

Title:  Colloquium / Begleitseminar 

Day and Date:  Tuesday 25th March, 2025
Zoom Linkhttps://fau.zoom-x.de/j/66535950101?pwd=YfPvoNQM0qD8zPbSjsmjk7M5ROtKPV.1

Time: 10:00am - 1:45pm

10:00 -  Felix Berger 
10:45 -  André Rosenberger
11:30 -   Wingkin Mak
12:15 -   Mujeeb Ahmed
13:00 - Vamos, Alexandru-Vlad
13:45 -  End

The title and abstract for each presentation has been updated in the OSS- KOLL seminar schedule: http://goo.gl/t5CW6

Please note:
1. Each session consists of a 30 minutes presentation and 15 minutes discussion. Please observe the allocated time.
2. This talk is part of your grade: 10% for Master students and 20% for Bachelor students. You are advised to do a dry-run of your presentation prior to the colloquium.
3. Please join the meeting ahead of the scheduled 10.00 Uhr, be prepared to share your screens/ presentations and attend the full session.
4. To help avoid possible issues that could arise during the session; we have provided some troubleshooting ideas:

# Possible Issues Scenarios Troubleshooting
1 Powerpoint presentations Licensing expired Send copy of presentation to supervisor who could share the presentation on behalf of the student
Licensing expired Convert ppt to pdf
2 Technical Microphone not working Dial in with mobile phone
Screen sharing not working Send copy of presentation to supervisor who could share the presentation on behalf of the student

Please write to koll-team@group.riehle.org for further enquiries.


One tap mobile
+496938980596,,68406666547#,,,,*477582# Germany


Dial by your location
• +49 69 389 805 96 Germany

Meeting ID: 665 3595 0101
Passcode: 499149

Find your local number: https://fau.zoom-x.de/u/ccux7zz3cq


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Join by H.323
• (Germany)

Meeting ID: 665 3595 0101
Passcode: 499149


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Event Details

10:00 – 13:45


Event Categories: