Teaching Case Thesis

The goal of a teaching case thesis is to create a teaching case which can be used, for example, in PROD (our product management class). A teaching case thesis is highly likely to become part of our PM by Case effort. A teaching case (thesis) follows the following structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Teaching Case
    1. Case (could be several subsections)
    2. Appendices
  3. Concepts Chapter
  4. Teaching Guide

A teaching case thesis should not exceed 60 pages. The case itself should not exceed 20 pages. It must be written in Libre or OpenOffice (.odt) or Microsoft Word (.doc) and may not be written in LaTeX (.tex). Below, please find more information, including process guidance:

At present, we have no open teaching case theses available. We already have enough for PROD and will keep adding cases only slowly. One problem is that we presently don’t have good combinations of (company, topic) at hand: A company that is willing to open up for a teaching case and where the teaching case can answer or explain a topic pertinent to PROD (but that has not been covered yet). We are open to students supplying both company and topic.