FAU Finishes ACM’s ICPC 2010 as a Leading European Team
FAU’s (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) entry to the 2010 International Collegiate Programming Contest in Harbin, China, tied for 36th place out of 93.
This makes the FAU team the best German team, a leading West European team, and places it far ahead of many other well-known universities who tend to score higher in international research and teaching rankings.
Our congratulations go to the team and its coach Tobias Werth, a Ph.D. student at the Chair of Programming Systems of Prof. Philippsen of the computer science department of the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Previously, the team had scored 1st place (PDF, in German) in the Northwestern European Regional Contest which was the precondition for attending the ICPC 2010 finals.