Final Thesis: Reverse and Forward Engineering for the Control System of an Airport Baggage Handling System
Abstract: Combined hardware/software systems evolve like every other system and frequently without sufficient documentation. Changing or improving the system becomes more difficult over time. The situation becomes even more complicated, if hardware and software components of different vendors are combined on-site of their application. This thesis presents a high-level domain-specific reverse and forward engineering method for airport baggage handling systems. The re-engineering part serves to analyze a current situation and the forward engineering part serves to match the re-engineering results with desired quality criteria of a new proposed system. The re-engineering part seamlessly feeds into the (forward) engineering part. The method is applied using a large case study, the current baggage handling system at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
Keywords: Reverse engineering, forward engineering
PDFs: Thesis unavailable, Work Description
Reference: Carina Stiller. Reverse and Forward Engineering for the Control System of an Airport Baggage Handling System. Master Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2013.