Kolloquium for Students of Research Group
During a term (Vorlesungszeit) we have a colloquium on Mondays at 12:15 Uhr. The colloquium is an opportunity to meet other people in the group and to listen to and discuss topics of interest. It is open to the public.
The WS 2013/14 colloquium will start on 14.10.2013. The colloquium is usually in English although there may be a German presentation from time to time. When we do not have a live presentation we may watch a video or discuss an academic paper. The schedule can be found here: http://goo.gl/t5CW6
Computer Science (Informatik) Students
Students who are in the CS program are expected to attend the colloquium during the term that they work on their theses, and to present the thesis once it is completed. (Note that if you work closely with Prof. Riehle you may be asked to give your presentation at a different time so that he is able to attend remotely; he is on sabbatical during the next term and will be in another time zone.) The colloquium and presentation requirements are set by the CS department.
Information Systems (WINF and IIS) Students
Students who are in the IS program are invited to attend the colloquium but are not required to do so as the IS department does not require this. We would also like to strongly encourage you to present your thesis in the colloquium, either just before it is completed or after you have delivered your thesis although this is not mandatory. Your work should be of interest to other members of this group, and talking about your work in front of others can improve your thesis by identifying concepts which are unclear or need further development.
You can mail Ann Barcomb or Hannes Dohrn to reserve a speaking slot or to make a suggestion for a video/paper. Priority is given to live presentations.
(Via Ann Barcomb.)