Winter Semester Colloquium Begins Monday, October 14th
On Monday, 14 October, the winter semester colloquium (KOLL) will kick off with two thesis presentations: Benedikt Lempetzeder will speak on “Zertifizierung von Open Source Lieferketten” and Surabhi Vohra will talk about “Agile Testing in a Plan-Driven Process”. The colloquium is held every Monday during the term from 12:15 – 13:45 in Martensstraße 3, room 11.150.
The colloquium is an opportunity to hear about research and topics related to applied software development and open source. It is mandatory for computer science students working on a bachelor or master’s thesis to attend, but we welcome other students as well. The schedule for winter semester 2013/14 is not yet full, so contact Ann Barcomb or Hannes Dohrn if you know of an interesting video or paper for our colloquium.