NetzDatenStrom Project Has Started
The research project NetzDatenStrom has finally started. NetzDatenStrom is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy in the context of the 6th energy research program. Experts on research and development, software producers of network control systems as well as grid operators and it-experts in the energy sector work together for integrating standard Big-Data solutions into existing network control systems. The project covers a three year period and will be done by a consortium comprised of network control system vendors PSI AG, KISTERS AG and BTC AG, grid operator EWE NETZ GmbH, OFFIS-Institute for Information Technology (consortium leader), Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems at University Lübeck. NetzDatenStrom will be supported by openKONSEQUENZ and provides possible contributions to the openKONSEQUENZ-platform.
The official Kick-Off meeting and workshop took place on October 27th at OFFIS in Oldenburg. First task is to specify practical and fundamental Big-Data use cases and establish a foundation for upcoming work steps. In context of NetzDatenStrom, the Open Source Research Group will exercise the integration of external data sources into existing network control systems and investigate the exploitation potential of open source software developed in a consortium.