Final Thesis: The Uni1 Immune System for Continuous Delivery
Abstract: In this thesis we propose an immune system for the continuous delivery process of the Uni1 application. We add canary deployments and show how continuous monitoring can be used to detect negative behaviour of the application as a result of a recent deployment. Analyzing the Uni1 application is done via user defined health conditions, which are based on a number of metrics monitored by the immune system. In case of degraded behaviour, the immune system uses rollbacks to revert the Uni1 application to the last stable version. With the help of the immune system, application developers do no longer have to manually monitor whether a deployment completes successfully, but instead can rely on the immune system to gracefully handle deployment errors.
Keywords: Continuous delivery, continuous deployment, system monitoring, immune system
PDFs: Final thesis, Work description
Reference: Philipp Eichhorn. The Uni1 Immune System for Continuous Delivery. Master Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2016.