Upcoming Industry Talk on Cluster Management at Google by Christian Nester
We will host an industry talk on “Cluster Management at Google” in ADAP, our course on advanced design and programming (free and open to the public):
- by: Christian Nester
- about: Cluster Management at Google
- on: 2017-02-06, 13:00 Uhr
- at: Cauerstr. 7/9, Room 0.154-115
- as part of: ADAP
Abstract: This talk gives an overview of the cluster management system used at Google. The cluster management system runs virtually every server side application at Google. This means it runs thousands of different tasks in a large number of data centres across the world. This talk gives an overview of the system, its architecture as how the user sees it. The talk also gives some insights into the challenges of workload distribution and using clusters efficiently.
Speaker: Christian leads a Gmail development team in Zurich. In this role, he focuses on server side software as well as client development. Before joining Gmail he worked as a software engineer in the Google Shopping team. Prior to Google, Christian was a software developer at SAP in Germany and Skyva International in the US. Christian has a diploma degree in computer science from the University of Karlsruhe.