Upcoming Interview Workshop with Christian Nester
We will host a (technical) interview workshop at FAU:
- by: Christian Nester
- about: Technical Interviews at Google
- on: 2017-02-06, 10:00 Uhr (max. 90min.)
- at: Martensstr. 3, 02.152-113
Abstract: This is an workshop for practising technical interviews at Google. It gives you an overview of interviews and hiring at Google and offers an opportunity to practise some interview questions and get feedback. The material is from Google, but other software companies use similar interview processes as well. If you are interested in attending the workshop please signup here goo.gl/Ae96w8.
Speaker: Christian leads a Gmail development team in Zurich. In this role, he focuses on server side software as well as client development. Before joining Gmail he worked as a software engineer in the Google Shopping team. Prior to Google, Christian was a software developer at SAP in Germany and Skyva International in the US. Christian has a diploma degree in computer science from the University of Karlsruhe.