Final Thesis: Design and Implementation of an Adaptable Metric Dashboard
Abstract: Many software companies use open source development practices inside the company‘s boundaries, which is called inner source. The Collaboration Management Suite (CMSuite), developed by the Open Source Research Group at the Friedrich-Alexander- University Erlangen-Nuernberg, is a software tool for extraction, analysis, and visualization of data and metrics regarding inner source. Prior to this thesis, CMSuite lacked features to visualize metrics and let stakeholders define their own metrics and visualizations. A programmer had to write code from scratch, where he defines a metric and then visualizes the result. Furthermore is not fully researched, which metrics will be important in the future, so adding new ones without wasting much time is desirable. This thesis discusses a new Java-based REST-service, which makes it possible to easily add and define new metrics, using the data integration tool Pentaho Kettle. The result is then visualized in an AngularJS 2.0 client component for a metric dashboard. Now the user does not have to write any code, but only has to define a metric with the help of Kettle and can see the results of his metric, immediately. Thus, this addition to CMSuite will enable him to save time and test new metrics much more efficiently.
Keywords: Engineering thesis, inner source metrics, adaptable dashboard
PDFs: Master Thesis, Thesis Description
Reference: Achim Däubler. Design and Implementation of an Adaptable Metric Dashboard. Master Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2017.