Call for Presentations: InnerSource Commons Spring Summit 2018

We, the Open Source Research Group at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, are actively involved with the InnerSource Commons – a group of practitioners and researchers working on and with inner source.

We are happy to forward to you the call for presentations for the InnerSource Commons Spring Summit 2018. Please consider sharing your inner source story!

This is to announce the opening of the call for presentations at the InnerSource Commons Summit Spring 2018. The summit comprises all aspects of InnerSource – the use of open source inspired development practices within the confines of a company or  other institution.

Submission deadline: February 28th, 2018

Submission form:

Summit date: May 16th – 18th, 2018 near Stuttgart, Germany (near Stuttgart)

Please feel invited to submit talks on the following topics:

– Getting Started (e.g. getting an InnerSource initiative off the ground)

– Scaling (e.g. middle management buying-in, financial sustainability, getting contributors, process)

– InnerSource: Quo Vadis? Your vision of the future of InnerSource

– Limitations – What InnerSource is not able to achieve

– Research on InnerSource – Mainly empirical

– InnerSource Metrics (e.g. measuring success, infrastructure needed, maturity model)

– Infrastructure – InnerSourcing your Infrastructure (e.g. first steps, requirements, examples)

– Case Studies & Experience Reports (Applications of InnerSource, DevOps, product dev., innovation, tools dev., what went well and/or wrong, lessons learned)


The summit is primarily targeted at contributions from InnerSource practitioners regarding these topics. However, submissions from other perspectives or regarding closely related topics are welcome and encouraged.

Proposals should be submitted no later than February 28th, 2018 using the online form provided on Please include your name, bio, contact information, title and abstract of the proposed presentation, and the topic that fits it best. You can propose ignite presentations (5 minutes), short presentations (15 minutes), long presentations (30 minutes), and workshops (45 minutes). However you are welcome to submit your own ideas on how to support the event.

More information on the event and the InnerSource Commons can be found at Schedule and further updates on the event will be published soon.

Please re-distribute this CfP to people who might be interested.

Contact the InnerSource Commons on



