Final Thesis: Paid vs. Volunteer Work on Open Source in China

Abstract: China is now playing a larger and larger role in the global economy and technology sphere. With support from the Chinese government since the early 2000s, open source software in China has become interesting to study with respect to the current and future development of the Chinese IT industry. This thesis presents statistics about the growth of open source software in China using data gathered from a Chinese code hosting platform. The results indicate that there is a growing amount of commitment and participation in this field. It also shows that around 46% of the work is performed during normal working hours. Furthermore, several approaches have been made to classify the developers into different groups using their work patterns in order to differentiate between paid or volunteer work.

Keywords: Open source, open source software development, open source in China, paid open source work, volunteer open source work

PDFs: Master Thesis, Work Description

Reference: Weixin Wang. Paid vs. Volunteer Job of Open Source in China. Master Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2018.