Impressions from Damian Conway’s talk Transparadigm Programming
Dr. Damian Conway
On September 11, Dr. Damian Conway gave a well-attended talk on Transparadigm Programming. In the talk he showed several examples of how tasks such as LWZ compression and SHA256 could be performed in different programming paradigms, as well as how they could be combined for efficient, maintainable code. Audience engagement made it a lively talk about the diversity of techniques available to the programmer.
His talk was illustrated with examples from multiple languages, including a language he has been involved in designing. He discussed the educational benefits of using a single programming language to teach multiple programming paradigms, as well as its use in development, and invited the audience to compare approaches to common problems in different languages, but above all to write good code regardless of programming language.
Below are some impressions from the talk:
Damian Conway and Ann BarcombAudience, 10 minutes before the talk