AMOS Project: File-System Crawler with GRAU DATA
AMOS is our course on Agile Methods and Open Source. Students experience Scrum and software development in exciting industry-provided projects. Learn more about AMOS here.
One of the interesting AMOS projects has the goal to build a file-system crawler together with GRAU DATA:
The student team will develop a file system crawler that extracts meta-data from files and indexes them in a PostgreSQL database. This crwaler will form the foundation of GRAU DATA’s “metadata-hub”. The crawler itself and the development and production setup will be containerized using Docker.
The crawler will have a minimal web interface that enables users to start, monitor, and stop crawl jobs as well as browse the existing data.
Programming language of choice is Java and other used technologies include GraphQL, EXIFTOOL, Docker, PostgreSQL and others.

You are interested? Register for AMOS now using StudOn. Shortly before the semester begins, we will contact you via email with a survey to ask for your project preferences.