Teaching in Winter 2020/21
Students, please read. PROD is being replaced by COSS.
Teaching in the winter semester at FAU will start on Nov 2nd, 2020. We will be teaching two classic courses, Advanced Design and Programming (ADAP) and Nailing your Thesis (NYT), our course on how to perform research. All courses will be held online:
- NYT: Mondays, 10-13 Uhr
- ADAP: Mondays, 13-16 Uhr
- COSS: Wednesdays, 10:15-11:45 (class), 12:30-14:00 Uhr (exercises)
In addition to ADAP and NYT, we will be teaching a new course called Commercial Open Source Startups (COSS), which will replace our Software Product Management course (PROD). PROD has become unteachable, so we are letting it go. We are setting things up so that you can take COSS instead of PROD.
COSS will combine the best of software product management and our course on open source software (FOSS / FLOSS) with an increased focus of how the software industry works. FLOSS will not be taught.
Check out the COSS syllabus!