Final Thesis: Erweiterung von jqwik
Abstract: Property-Based Testing enables the user to generate test cases automatically. The JUnit 5 based engine jqwik makes Property-Based Testing for the Java programming language easy. However, until now it is not possible to generate test cases for all data types built into the JDK.
This paper will introduce the basics of testing, before creating insights about the most important features of Property-Based Testing, demonstrating them using jqwik. In the next step, the engine jqwik will be extended to allow the generation of email addresses as well as dates and times. Finally, the implemented code will be evaluated in comparison to the requirements set in the paper.
Keywords: Property-based testing, jqwik
PDF: Bachelor Thesis
Reference: Johannes Zink. Erweiterung von jqwik. Bachelor Thesis. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2021.