Summary of the Winter 2022/23 AMOS Projects

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This semester, the students of AMOS and COACH completed five AMOS projects. The videos and project summaries below detail the final result for each of the project:

  1. Firmware scraper, with Siemens Energy(A tool to download and analyze free firmware images from around the web)
  2. Android automotive test app, with esolutions(An Android app used to test car infotainment services)
  3. Containerized software oscilloscope, with Siemens Healthineers. (A containerized service to represent a oscilloscope)
  4. SpecItem database, with develop group. (A service to manage the annually refreshed AutoSAR specification items)
  5. Deskstar, with Interflex. (A multi-tenant capable service used to manage desks in the workplace)