Upcoming Talk: Marcus Raitner of Allianz Consulting on Agile Transformation and Human(e) Leadership
We will be hosting an industry talk on “Agile Transformation and Human(e) Leadership” in AMOS, our agile methods course. The talk is free and open to the public.
- by: Dr. Marcus Raitner, Head of Agile, Allianz Consulting
- about: Agile Transformation on Human(e) Leadership
- on: January 31st, 2024, 10:15 Uhr
- on: Zoom (link after registration)
- as part of: AMOS
Abstract: In a world that is becoming increasingly VUCA, BMW Group IT chose a strategy that is on the one hand simple and on the other hand very ambitious: 100% Agile. This journey to an agile product organization began some time ago with a few scattered agile projects. In mid-2017, the movement gained significant momentum with a major reorganization in which the previously separate areas of Development and Operations were united in the spirit of DevOps. In addition to this structural aspect of the teams and their products, their collaboration and the technology, the focus of the agile transformation is very much on culture and mindset. This is why the “Manifesto for Human(e) Leadership” was created in this context, which sums up leadership in the age of digitization in six theses based on the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.

Speaker: Marcus is convinced that elephants can dance. Therefore he escorts organizations on their journey to more agility as an Agile Coach. After receiving his doctorate in computer science at the University of Passau, Marcus previously worked as a Project Manager at msg systems, a large IT service provider. In 2010 he started from scratch and became one Managing Director of esc Solutions, a small start-up with its main focus on project management and coaching. From 2015, he accompanied the BMW Group IT as an Agile Transformation Agent on its agile journey. In 2021, Marcus joined Infineon Technologies as an Agile Coach focusing on agile transformation and leadership and since April 2022 he is with Allianz Consulting since April 2022 and heading the Agile team there. Marcus regularly writes about leadership, digitization, new work, agility, and much more since 2010 in his blog. In 2019 he summarized his thoughts on new leadership in the age of digitalization in his book, Manifesto for Human(e) Leadership.