Upcoming Talk: Georgia Rothoni of Logicea on Agile Mindset
We will be hosting an industry talk on “Agile Mindset” in Coaching Agile Teams (COACH). The talk is free and open to the public.
- by: Georgia Rothoni, Agile Coach, Logicea
- about: Agile Mindset
- on: November 7th, 2023, 16:45 Uhr
- on: Zoom (link after registration)
- as part of: COACH
Abstract: Over the last few years the majority of tech companies take pride in the use of agile methodologies in their day to day work. This has led to a widespread use of terms such as “Agile Values” and “Agile Principles”, among others. In our session, we will take things further and explore the notion of “Agile Mindset”. We will discover the elements that form and enhance the agile mindset and also learn how to recognize patterns signaling and a lack of it. Last but not least, we will explore ways to cultivate the skill of agile mindset, and in this way help our teams and organisations thrive!

Speaker: Georgia is an Agile Coach, but her career started as a software engineer in a big telecom company in 2008, right after earning her Bachelor and Master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (Greece). For 6 years she used to work as a software engineer in a traditional waterfall environment and it was in 2014 when the organisation went through an agile transformation and she became familiar with agile methodologies, working for 5 years as a Scrum Developer. This gave her the chance to both focus on different parts of software development and to deeply understand the value that the agile way of working was bringing to the table. In 2019, she switched to a new career path, the one of the Scrum Master/ Agile Coach role which she still enjoys a lot. Georgia loves sharing her knowledge and also being part of teams that she coaches on how to continuously improve, on how to enjoy their work and on how to efficiently deliver the most lovable product!