Upcoming Talk: Mariana Solana of Delivery Hero on Leading Organizational Change
We will be hosting an industry talk on “Leading Organizational Change” in Coaching Agile Teams (COACH). The talk is free and open to the public.
- by: Mariana Solana, Organizational Coach, Delivery Hero
- about: Leading Organizational Change
- on: December 19th, 2023, 16:45 Uhr
- on: Zoom (link after registration)
- as part of: COACH
Abstract: Learn about how coaches can be catalysts, leaders and supporters of change in an organization. In an agile environment, big and small organizational change is a constant. Supporting people through change is an essential skill for an agile coach, whether in an established agile organization or in one transitioning away from traditional approaches. Let’s explore together what organizational change is, how to work with emotions during change and how to empower people to transition smoothly to a new way of doing things.

Speaker: Mariana started her career with a background in Linguistics & Translation but switched gears early on by joining an American Software Development Agency in 2015. In 2018, she expanded her horizons by completing Postgraduate Studies in Business Management for Technology Companies at Universidad de la República, Uruguay. With over 8 years of experience in the tech industry, Mariana began her journey as a Scrum Master, helping teams succeed. Today, she plays a more systemic role as an Organizational Coach at a large-scale enterprise.