Upcoming Talk: Marco Winter of e.solutions on Automated Capture of Open Source Parts in Commercial Software Projects
We will be hosting an industry talk on “Automated Capture of Open Source Parts in Commercial Software Projects” in AMOS, our agile methods course. The talk is free and open to the public.
- by: Dr.-Ing. Marco Winter, Technical Lead, e.solutions
- about: Automated Capture of Open Source Parts in Commercial Software Projects
- on: January 17th, 2024, 10:15 Uhr
- on: Zoom (link after registration)
- as part of: AMOS
Abstract: Today, the use of open source software modules in software development is indispensable. However, this brings not only advantages, but also obligations (e.g. provision of open source disclaimer) and even risks (e.g. copyleft licenses). In order to be able to deal with this, these components must be conscientiously captured and registered. Since the amount of open source components used is becoming increasingly unmanageable, automated processes for capturing are necessary. At e.solutions, we use open source software in different projects and by utilizing different software technologies. In this talk, we want to present for our department how open source parts are captured and analyzed in these projects.

Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Marco Winter has been working at e.solutions since 2010, starting as SW Developer and Project Lead. Today, he is working as Technical Lead in the HMI department, and is supporting the development teams with their daily challenges in developing high-quality customer SW. There, he is also responsible for managing the open source code that is used in the department’s projects, and among others also works closely together with the company’s legal and security teams. He likes when things can be automated and “just work”.