Results of the Building Information Enhancer Project with BUILD.ING (Video and Report, AMOS Summer 2024 Project)

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This project is one of seven Scrum projects with industry partners that were part of the AMOS Summer 2024 Projects. Below please find the video (you may also like the other videos) and the project summary which details the final result of the project. We run these projects every semester, so please be in touch if you would like to motivate one of your own!

Demo Video

Project Summary

Project NameBuilding Information Enhancer
Project MissionThe team agreed to create an MVP for the BCI Building Information Enhancer, the core functionality will be displaying data from a fixed number of sources,
including satellite images, charging stations and data needed for sustainability certification. Our goal is to build a practical tool that can grow with our users’ needs.
Industry PartnerBUILD.ING
Team Logo
Project SummaryAn open-source “Building Information Enhancer” System allowing various property market stakeholders to access location based calculations for potential energy savings, sustainability certifications, solar power potential, and aiding in district planning.
Project Illustration
Team Photo
Project Repository
Additional Information