Upcoming Talk: Christian Schrödel of e.solutions on Software Modernization in Agile Projects
We are pleased to announce the upcoming exclusive industry talk on “Software Modernization in Agile Projects” in AMOS, our agile methods course:
- by: Mr. Christian Schrödel, e.solutions
- about: Software Modernization in Agile Projects
- on: January 15th, 2025, 10:15 Uhr
- on: Zoom (link after registration)
- as part of: AMOS
Abstract: In software development, we rarely begin with a blank slate. More often, we are faced with an extensive amount of code that was created long before we joined the company. As time goes on, we find ourselves needing to rewrite segments of this code because they rely on outdated libraries, frameworks, or dependencies. Our goal is to replace these with modern solutions and approaches to enhance code quality and development efficiency in our projects. However, we must accomplish this without significantly hindering our project velocity or causing delays in feature delivery. In this presentation, I will share techniques and best practices for achieving ongoing modernization of our codebase while ensuring optimal productivity within an agile software development framework.
Speaker: Christian has pursued a degree in electrical engineering, focusing on information technology. Since 2021, he has been serving as the Technical Lead for UI and UX solutions in cutting-edge automotive HMI systems at e.solutions GmbH. He began his journey at e.solutions in 2016 as an application developer. Before that, he worked as a mobile app developer for both Android and iOS at Metz CE.