Results of the International Dataspace Station Project with DATEV (Video and Report, AMOS Summer 2024 Project)

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This project is one of seven Scrum projects with industry partners that were part of the AMOS Summer 2024 Projects. Below please find the video (you may also like the other videos) and the project summary which details the final result of the project. We run these projects every semester, so please be in touch if you would like to motivate one of your own!

Demo Video

Project Summary

Project NameInternational Dataspace Station
Project MissionExplore the feasibility of dataspace usage with regards to data sovereignty. This includes testing the maturity of dataspace, which components are important and ease of deployment.
Industry PartnerDATEV
Team Logo
Project SummaryIn many B2B relationships there is a lot of data exchange between different domains, but the owner of said data might be very sensitive about sharing it. As such, an infrastructure or data ecosystem based on trust ensuring data sovereignty is necessary (the owner of the data can decide who gets access, how long, how often etc.).
The solution is an open source component, called a connector. A connector is an independent node within a network of connectors, which is then called a dataspace. One connector is linked to exactly one user and negotiates contracts and terms of agreements on data exchange, both as a consumer and as a provider. For this project, we used the Eclipse Dataspace Connector (EDC) for its popularity. Our team was able to extend the feature of the existing connector by implementing a user-friendly UI that could perform the necessary steps for a connector to exchange data with other connectors. In cooperation with our industry partner, we managed to deploy the project into the cloud with some demo samples.
Project Illustration
Team Photo
Project Repository