The Impact of Extreme Weather Events on Socioeconomic Status – A Case Study in the Southeast Asian Region (A MADE SS 2024 Project)

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This project is one of the MADE Summer 2024 Projects implemented by our students. We run these projects every semester, please be in touch if you are interested in participating!

Author: Minh Khue, Tran

Project Description: In the last few decades, Southeast Asia has emerged as a region of significant economic development. The region however faces a daunting challenge as it is among those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events. Different factors contribute to this vulnerability, including low-lying land that is susceptible to rising sea levels, frequent floods and droughts, large populations, heavy reliance on agriculture for economic stability, and limited community resilience to climate change. Some of the most extreme weather events have been experienced worldwide in emerging Southeast Asian nations such as the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. This data project aims to provide insights into how extreme weather events have affected the socioeconomics of 12 Southeast Asian countries.

Two main questions will be analyzed by examining underlying patterns in the datasets:

1. “What are the patterns in the occurrence of extreme weather events and the socioeconomic status of Southeast Asian countries?”

2. “How do disaster risks impact the socioeconomic landscape of Southeast Asian countries?”

Further Project Details:

Reference: Minh Khue, Tran. The Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on the Socioeconomics – A Case Study in Southeast Asian Region. MADE SS 2024. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2024.