The purpose of this professorship is to perform software engineering research and teaching. Within software engineering, we pay particular attention to software product development with the goal of turning University innovation into software product startups. Together with our colleagues of the appl...
As of today, we are back to Martensstr. 3, the "blaues Hochhaus". Please come see us in our new old offices for some coffee and sweets. Below please find some photo impressions.
Come Thursday, January 15th, this week, and we will be moving back from our temporary home in Tennenlohe to good old Martenstr. 3, a.k.a. "blaues Hochhaus". Goodbye food trucks, we will miss you (not)!
1. Summary
2014 marks the fifth year of the Professorship for Open Source Software at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg. Revenues increased slightly, we added more members to the group, and student numbers are up as well. Publication output dipped with many submissions in the que...
With Christmas coming up, and winter presenting various challenges, I hereby decree this research group's dress code (borrowing from Scott McNealy and the late SUN Microsystems): There is no dress code, except that you must.
Die Universität Erlangen - Nürnberg vergibt im Studienjahr 2014/2015 aus dem Oskar Karl Forster Stipendium Fond einmalige Beihilfen für die Anschaffung von Büchern an begabte und bedürftige Studenten/Studentinnen.
Nähere Informationen sowie die Antragsformulare gibt es bei Frau Irmgard Förster.
Google writes us about a scholarship they are sponsoring for qualified female computer science (and related fields) students. If you are female, intend to or are enrolled in a Bachelor or Master program in computer science at FAU and will still be around during the academic year 2015/16, please take...
Liebe Besucher der beiden Seminarräume 06 und 07 in Tennenlohe, Am Wetterkreuz 13,
die temporäre Verlegung an diesen Ort konnte stattfinden, da wir Büro- und Seminarräume angemietet haben. Dies gilt leider nicht für die Parkplätze rund um das Gebäude. Da die Parkplatznot zum Wildparken verleitet,...
This our group treats all "wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter" (that is, internal Ph.D. students) the same. The University-imposed teaching duties of 5 SWS for a Landesstelle are spread over all internal Ph.D. students (the larger we grow, the smaller the individual requirements become). Teaching duties,...
Due to the continued construction at Martensstr. 3, our usual office location, we will stay in Tennenlohe, at Wetterkreuz 13, through the end of the lecture-time (February 2014) if not the end of the semester (April 2014). Please find us on the first floor close to the stairs.