2 Research

The Sweble Project can now be found on GitHub and Ohloh. The GitHub repositories mirror the primary repositories hosted on our servers. Commits pushed to our repositories will be pushed to GitHub after a short delay. Please visit us on Ohloh and let us know if you're using Sweble!

Category: 2 Research, 2.5 Project Reports

We released an early 2.0 (alpha) version of the Sweble Wikitext parser and related libraries on our git repository. The Sweble Wikitext parser aims to provide a Mediawiki-compliant Wiktext parser implementation in Java. This includes full Mediawiki template expansion but does not cover all of the pa...

Category: 2.5 Project Reports

Within my short time of being a professor at a German engineering university, I've raked up quite a number of requests from folks to become an "external Ph.D. student" of mine. In the German system, this is someone who is enrolled in the Ph.D. program but not funded by the university, i.e. is self-s...

Die Professur für Open-Source-Software an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg verfügt über signifikante praktische Erfahrung im Management von Open-Source-Communities und ist international in der Erforschung dieses sich in rasanter Entwicklung befindlichen Themas als führend ausgew...

Category: 2.1 Research Information

Sweble 1.1.0 fixes some bugs and introduces a couple of new features/modules. For a full list of changes please refer to the changes reports of the individual modules. The release can be found on maven central. Jars with dependencies will soon be available from our downloads page. Fi...

Category: 2 Research, 2.5 Project Reports

We are finally deploying releases of Sweble and related software to Maven Central. This has many advantages for users of our software, among others: You don't have to refer to our Maven repositories any more in your own poms (if you only use our releases; snapshots are still only available from o...

Category: 2 Research, 2.5 Project Reports