We posted the course evaluations on our course evaluations page.
Thank you to every student who provided us with feedback. Positive feedback is welcome and makes our day. Critical feedback that helps us improve our courses is equally welcome and appreciated. We will discuss this feedback in class...
We have updated our slides explaining how and what we teach. You can catch a short video of Prof. Riehle going through the slides on Adobe Connect and on Youtube.
We finalized our teaching schedule for the upcoming winter semester. It is as follows:
Advanced Design and Programming (ADAP): Mon, 13:00-16:00 Uhr
Open Source Colloquium (KOLL): Tue, 12:15-13:45 Uhr
Nailing your Thesis (NYT): Tue, 14:00-17:00 Uhr
Software Product Management (PROD): Wed, 10:...
A significant part of our teaching consists of project work, in which student teams work together to achieve a project goal.
For these teaching projects (Lehrprojekte), we require that all project participants (students, university, possibly external partners) share in the results so that everyon...
Students often write their final thesis (Bachelor or Master thesis) within the context of a research project at the professorship. This makes a lot of sense: The project is likely to be leading edge and of supported by a Mitarbeiter or the Professor. Hence the project is interesting and students are...
For clarification purposes, here are the precise teaching time slots for the upcoming summer semester 2016:
AMOSWednesdays: Lecture at 10:15-11:45 Uhr, exercises at 12:30-14:00 Uhr or 14:15-15:45 Uhr
ARCHThursdays: Lecture + exercises at 14:00-17:00 Uhr, coaching at 12:30-13:55 Uhr...
We have updated our summary slides on how to study PSWT and OSS, please see this PDF and be there on Wed, January 13, 2016, at 16:30 Uhr (PSWT) or Wed, January 20, 2016, at 16:00 (OSS) in room R4.11, Cauerstr. 7, Erlangen (South).
We updated our slide deck explaining the teaching of both
the research and teaching alliance applied software engineering (PSWT), and
the professorship for open source software (OSS) a.k.a. open source research group
Please find the WS 2015/16 and forward slides here.
The schedule for our winter semester 2015/16 teaching has been finalized. We will be teaching
ADAP on Mondays, 14:00-17:00 Uhr in 0.154-115
NYT on Tuesdays 14:00-17:00 Uhr in RZ 2.037 (e-Studio), also on Adobe Connect
KOLL on Mondays 12:15-13:45, room to be determined
PSWT on Wednesdays 10:1...