4.3 Finished Theses

Abstract: Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) requires a set of competences which can best be aquired through direct experience. Transferring these competences through practical exercises to students in a classroom setting is a challenging task, due to the difficulties which arise with scaling high-touc...

Category: 4 Theses, 4.3 Finished Theses

Abstract: QDAcity is a cloud-based web application that supports qualitative data analysis. Many research projects are executed by multiple researchers and therefore require some degree of collaboration for the qualitative data analysis process. QDAcity already aids this process by managing a single...

Category: 4 Theses, 4.3 Finished Theses

Abstract: Globalization of Applications is not a new problem to which there is an immensive amount of solutions. But with increasing popularity of the internet, the increasing amount of web technologies, the growing speed of web development and thereof more and more web applications arises the need ...

Category: 4 Theses, 4.3 Finished Theses