
We will host an industry talk on "Agile, Cloud, und Continuous Delivery - Eine perfekte Symbiose oder warum ist DevOps so schwierig?" in AMOS, our agile methods course. The talk is free and open to the public. by: Thomas Fischer, noris network about: Agile, Cloud und Continuous Delivery - Ei...

We will host an industry talk on "Scaling Scrum (or how to pimp up a simple concept) in AMOS, our agile methods course. The talk is free and open to the public. by: Andreas Gärtner and Katharina Müller, Senacor Technologies AG about: Scaling Scrum (or how to pimp up a simple concept) on...

We will host an industry talk on "Braucht's das noch? Software Architektur im Zeitalter agiler Entwicklung in AMOS, our agile methods course. The talk is free and open to the public. by: Werner Eberling, MATHEMA Software GmbH about: Braucht's das noch? Software Architektur im Zeitalter agi...