
Reuters ranked European universities again as to their innovativeness, i.e. how they turn research into innovation and ultimately practical applications. FAU comes in sixth, one seat behind TUM, annoyingly enough, but also not too shabby either. The third German university in the top 10 is "Unive...

Category: 7 Related, 7.3 University

A significant part of our teaching consists of project work, in which student teams work together to achieve a project goal. For these teaching projects (Lehrprojekte), we require that all project participants (students, university, possibly external partners) share in the results so that everyon...

Abstract: Die­ses Pro­jekt­kon­zept schil­dert, wie Hoch­schu­len mit Unter­neh­men Pro­jekte mit Stu­die­ren­den zu beid­sei­ti­gem Gewinn durch­füh­ren kön­nen. Unter­neh­men pro­fi­tie­ren durch Recruit­ing, Out­sour­cing und Inno­va­tion („ROI“), wel­che sich durch die Pro­jekte erge­ben. Hoch­s...

Category: 9 General