Final Thesis: Integration of a Refactoring UI into the Sweble Hub Software

Abstract: Wikis are an essential part of modern internet in order to store knowledge. However, to date, they lack functions which assist on restructuring and transforming the contents of a wiki. The task of maintaining the contents and structure is therefore time-consuming and error-prone. This thesis designs and implements a user interface for restructurings in wikis build on the Sweble Hub software, which is a software similar to most wikis. In contrast to classic wikis, it is able to provide assistance on restructurings. With Sweble Hub and the user interface designed in this thesis, the wiki authors’ efficiency is greatly improved.

Keywords: Wiki, AST, Refactoring, Transformation, UI

PDFs: Master Thesis, Work Description

Reference: Gabriel Bauer. Integration of a Refactoring UI into the Sweble Hub Software. Bachelor Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2017.