Final Thesis: A Metric Dashboard for Inner Source
Abstract: Inner Source is a software development approach that uses open source practices within an organization. The Collaboration Management Suite (CMSuite) developed by the Open Source Research Group at the Friedrich-Alexander Unversity Erlangen-Nürnberg supports the analysis and visualization of data about the inner source. However, it lacked the feature to show visualizations for all orgganizational units of different organizational dimensions. Also, a metric designer could not get descendants of the selected organizational unit within a single transformation. Consequently, One had to create duplicate steps to deal with the hierarchical order of the organizational units. In this thesis, the dashboard infrastructure is iteratively extended in the way needed for the new metric implementations. It focuses on basic descriptive statistics and patch-flow metrics. Additionally, it elaborates a Java-based REST-service, which allows the user to execute metrics using the hierarchical data injected via the Pentaho data integration tool. The result is then visualized in Angular 6.0 client component for the metric dashboard. Now the metric calculations are performed for selected organizational units including its descendants. Thus, this addition to CMSuite will enable a metric designer to define new metrics without having to think about handling parent-child relations.
Keywords: inner source
PDFs: Master Thesis, Work Description
Reference: Harish Vijayamohan. A Metric Dashboard for Inner Source. Master Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2019.