Final Thesis: Crawling and Analysing Code Review Networks on Industry and Open Source Data
Abstract: Social network analysis is a wide studied area and applied to various fields. One field is the code review process in software development. By reviewing parts of code and sharing knowledge the developers interact in a network structure to each other. However, the field of code review networks is not studied as extensive as other fields. Therefore, the following research shows an approach for analyzing structural information of code review networks in their evolution over a specific time. Additionally, the thesis focuses on the impact of structural network information on the code review duration. The result of this thesis is a network model for comparing code review data of heterogeneous data sources with the findings of a decrease on the code review duration by having more complexity in the network structure over the time.
Keywords: code review, social network analysis, exploratory data analysis
PDF: Master Thesis
Reference: Manuel Hubert. Crawling and Analysing Code Review Networks on Industry and Open Source Data. Master Thesis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2020