Results of Digital Identity AMOS Project with adorsys (Video and Report, Summer 2022 Project)

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This project is one of eight Scrum projects with industry partners that were part of the Summer 2022 AMOS Projects. Below please find the video (you may also like the other videos) and the project summary which details the final result of the project. We run these projects every semester, so please be in touch if you would like to motivate one of your own!

Project Summary

Project name Digital Identity
Project missionadorsys wants to implement digital identities (DI) for all employees, guests and partners working for and with the company, with the aim of digitalizing and simplifying the identification and authentication process at adorsys. Creating digital identities for all stakeholders in lissi, defining authentication schemas and allowing workers to use their credentials as proofs in real-world use cases are the key goals for this project. In the future, adorsys envisions unlimited possibilities of using the digital identities, for example, as door-keys or entry permission to events, and is keen to build up this network of partners within the lissi network.
Industry partneradorsys, IT consultancy for digital payment transformations
Team logo
Project summaryThe DIdentity web application allows the admin, in this case an HR employee of adorsys, to create, issue and manage digital identities (DIs) automatically on lissi, that runs on a hyperledger blockchain network. This digitalizes and automates the workflow and communication with lissi for the HR team.
Our application consists of the frontend, which is written in Angular. The UI enables HR employees at adorsys to manage all relevant functions from the creation process of  DIs, schemas, credential definitions and proof templates, as well as issuing them to the user via the lissi wallet.
The backend was developed in the Java Spring framework. It has its own database where we store the data of the employee’s DIs and e. g. the HR team’s credentials. Additionally, we included a mail relay for sending invitation e-mails to users in order to finalize the DI creation process and establish the connection via the lissi wallet. In addition, our backend requires a connection to the lissi agent, through which we interact with the lissi blockchain. Our web application is deployed entirely on Docker. To run an instance, credentials for the mail relay and the lissi agent are provided. So, it works fully automated via docker-compose and it is published under the MIT license.
Project illustration

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