Summary of the Winter 2023/24 AMOS Projects
This semester, the students of AMOS and COACH completed six AMOS projects. The videos and project summaries below detail the final results of each of the projects:
- Ticketing Chat AI, with Siemens. A Chat AI application to help Siemens employees fill out IT ticketing forms.
- Pitest IDE Plugin, with An IntelliJ plugin for PIT (Pitest) to make mutation testing easy.
- GUI Frame Diff, with A tool to make tracking and comparing visual test output (screenshots) easy.
- Data pipeline and storage manager, with IAV. An orchestration tool for popular open source data engineering frameworks.
- Data pipeline configuration chat AI, with Shell. A Chat AI application to help developers configure data pipelines for RTDIP.
- Sales Lead Qualifier, with SumUp. An ML based algorithm that is capable of helping companies prioritize sales leads and activities.
If you would like to sponsor a Scrum project, in which our Berlin and Erlangen-based students develop open-source software based on your requirements, please be in touch! The next opportunity is the summer semester, which starts mid of April 2024.