3.1 Teaching Information

Today we would like to point you to PARC's running event series, which is being livestreamed, and for which many events have been recorded for later viewing. Of relevance to our teaching are the following two current talks: FIRM: Lean Startups (tonight) PROD: Disruptive Innovation (next month)...

Category: 3.1 Teaching Information

"Product Management" teaches students the function of a product manager in software product firms. Often neglected, there is probably no other business function that is more critical to the success of a software firm, small or large, startup or established. Read more (in German).

Category: 3.1 Teaching Information

"The Firm" teaches students how a software product firm works. It addresses every business function (excluding development) and discusses critical business processes. The seminar is structured along the lines of a business plan Read more (in German).

Category: 3.1 Teaching Information

The AMOS project is the flagship class taught by the Open Source Research group. It is a combined lecture + programming course in which students learn about and experience an agile software engineering process. It combines agile methods (Scrum, XP) with open source practices while aiming to deliver ...

Category: 3.1 Teaching Information