4 Theses

Abstract: Wahlzeit is an open source Java web application that gives you a solid software base to set up your own photo rating website. Besides that, it is used during the lecture Advanced Design and Programming to teach agile methods and open source software development. In addition to the software...

Category: 4 Theses, 4.3 Finished Theses

Abstract: For Open Source Software ( OS ) projects, collaboration is a key to success, as less collaboration between projects leads to projects with less progress. Patches from other OS projects provide the projects with a higher code quality or functionality. In literature, several papers examine t...

Category: 4 Theses, 4.3 Finished Theses

All theses performed and submitted to our professorship should use the same formatting template, provided in this older blog post. The content structure of a final theses, beyond the formatting, however, depends on the type of thesis. There are at least the following four thesis types: R...