Upcoming Talk: René Traue and Christian Lindenlaub of GfK on How to Sleep Well at Night While Clients are Using Your Data Science Models

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We will be hosting an industry talk on “How to sleep well at night while clients are using your Data Science Models” in Software-Anwendungen mit Künstlicher Intelligenz (SAKI). The talk is free and open to the public.

  • by: René Traue and Christian Lindenlaub, GfK, Growth from Knowledge 
  • about: How to sleep well at night while clients are using your data science models
  • on: July 7th, 2021, 16:45-17:45 Uhr
  • on: Zoom (link after registration)
  • as part of: SAKI

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is rapidly becoming the primary catalyst for product innovation and process optimization. Christian and René have had the chance to be part of GfK’s journey from a traditional market research company to a prescriptive data analytics provider over the last four years. Using examples from their daily development work, they will share what they have learned about certain aspects of machine learning in production:

  • How to holistically understand (mis-)behavior of your data science models?
  • How to handle client questions, provide evidence and ensure correct model behavior in production?
  • How to scale methodologies to different data contexts?


René Traue holds a degree in business administration and did a Master in International Information Systems(IIS) at FAU. Before he joined GfK, he blended loyalty card, transaction, geographical, and market research data at a German drugstore chain. At GfK, he works as a Senior Data Scientist where he leads a team which is developing end-to-end prescriptive analytics solutions for Brand & Marketing managers.

Christian Lindenlaub holds a master degree in statistics (from LMU Munich). Before joining GfK Global Data Science, he worked for an electric utility and for GfK Geomarketing where he helped clients exploit their regional market potential. Nowadays, Christian works as a Senior Data Scientist and leads a team which is developing end-to-end prescriptive analytics solutions for the Sales Persona in the durable goods and electronics industries.