Teaching in Summer 2023 (Status)

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These are our courses in summer 2023, how to register for them, and their current status:

NYTNailing Your ThesisWait list (organization, course registration closed)
AMOSAgile Methods and Open SourceOpen (organization, course registration closed)
COACHCoaching Agile TeamsOpen (organization, course registration closed)
AMSEAdvanced Methods of Software EngineeringWait list (organization, course registration closed)
SAKISoftware-Anwendungen mit KIFor summer 2023, SAKI is taught jointly with AMSE
SEMIApplied Software Engineering Seminar (5 ECTS)Talk to us (bring your own topic or read up on our research)
PROJApplied Software Engineering Project (10 ECTS)Talk to us (bring your own topic or read up on our research)

The status indicators have the following meaning:

  • Not-open-yet means course registration has not yet started; please don’t send email.
  • Open means you can start registration (always through the course management system).
  • Wait-list means the max. number of students has been reached; you can still join the wait-list.
  • Closed means registration for the course, including the wait-list, is not possible any longer.

Registration for NYT and AMSE/SAKI proceeds through StudOn.

Registration for AMOS and COACH requires that you join the StudOn course and fill out a course entry survey to allocate you to a team/project. We expect to finish acquiring projects by the end of March and will send out a link to the course entry survey in early April.

Anyone sending us email, asking to skip the line, will be sent to the end of it.

Everyone has to come to the first class session. If you have been wait-listed and want to maintain your chances of getting in, please come to the first class session.

The Campo system should have correct course information while UnivIS does not provide correct information any longer.

Outlook on future teaching