3.3.9 KOLL

The Open Source Research Group is returning to the blue tower at Martensstraße 3.  Starting from the next colloquium on 19 January, the course will be held in Martensstraße 3, room 11.150 (as you exit the elevators, turn right, then left - it is at the end of the hall). Also, the colloquium on 26...

In the winter semester we will resume our weekly colloquium starting from the second week of the term (13 October). The colloquium provides an opportunity for students to defend their theses, present start-up pitches, and request feedback on intermediate research results.  There may also be guest le...

Category: 3.3.9 KOLL

On September 8th we will have a special extra session of the colloquium at our temporary location in Tennenlohe.  As this colloquium is outside of the teaching term attendance is not required but recommended, as it can be interesting to see what your fellow students are working on and to prepare for...

We decided to allow for startup pitches in KOLL, our computer science colloquium. KOLL traditionally serves to present student thesis defenses or lets research group members perform dry-runs for upcoming research talks. Startup pitches are an addition now. The benefits to student startups are two...

Category: 3.3.9 KOLL

In summer semester of 2014 we are introducing some changes to our weekly colloquium, which begins on April 7, 2014. Previously, the colloquium was held weekly during the term. Starting summer semester 2014, the colloquium will not be held every week but only when we have live presentations. T...

Category: 3.3.9 KOLL

On Monday, 14 October, the winter semester colloquium (KOLL) will kick off with two thesis presentations: Benedikt Lempetzeder will speak on "Zertifizierung von Open Source Lieferketten" and Surabhi Vohra will talk about "Agile Testing in a Plan-Driven Process". The colloquium is held every Monday d...

Category: 3.3.9 KOLL

During a term (Vorlesungszeit) we have a colloquium on Mondays at 12:15 Uhr. The colloquium is an opportunity to meet other people in the group and to listen to and discuss topics of interest. It is open to the public. The WS 2013/14 colloquium will start on 14.10.2013. The colloquium is usually ...

Category: 3.3.9 KOLL