3.3 Specific Courses

Many students use UnivIS to design their schedules for a semester. Currently, UnivIS has a glitch: It claims under "Verwendbarkeit des Moduls" (applicability of modul) that ADAP and PROD cannot be taken by computer scientists. This is of course wrong: Computer scientists are welcome and one of the main target groups of our lectures.

In ARCH-PROJ, our software architecture project, a student team today presented their findings from documenting, analyzing, and suggesting improvements with respect to the use of open souce code in a commercial product. The student team found various discrepancies between assumed use of open source...

Category: 3 Teaching, 3.3.4 ARCH

Project name A Tool for capturing, managing and reusing non-functional requirements in software development projects Project mission The mission of this project is to develop a web-based tool for capturing and managing non-functional requirements for software development projects! We aim to i...