3.3 Specific Courses

In our course The AMOS Project students learn agile methods in an as realistic as possible software development project with industry. At the time of writing, all SS 2020 courses that require physical presence have been canceled, so we are planning to hold The AMOS Project online, using our substan...

Many students use UnivIS to design their schedules for a semester. Currently, UnivIS has a glitch: It claims under "Verwendbarkeit des Moduls" (applicability of modul) that ADAP and PROD cannot be taken by computer scientists. This is of course wrong: Computer scientists are welcome and one of the main target groups of our lectures.

In ARCH-PROJ, our software architecture project, a student team today presented their findings from documenting, analyzing, and suggesting improvements with respect to the use of open souce code in a commercial product. The student team found various discrepancies between assumed use of open source...

Category: 3 Teaching, 3.3.4 ARCH