4.3 Finished Theses

Abstract: Die Versionierung von Anforderungen sorgt für Vollständigkeit und Nachverfolgbarkeit. So kann zu jedem Zeitpunkt nachvollzogen werden, welcher Nutzer Änderungen vorgenommen hat und wie vorangegangene Entscheidungen verliefen. Durch die verpflichtende Angabe eines Änderungsgrundes kann ein...

Category: 4 Theses, 4.3 Finished Theses

Abstract: EDITIVE is a platform based upon the collaboration principles first spread by GitHub. In such a multi-level content collaboration platform, a search functionality is useful and often demanded. The main reasons therefore are to reduce complexity and provide advanced information retrieval, ...

Category: 4 Theses, 4.3 Finished Theses

Abstract: This thesis discusses the refactoring of the pre-existing Uni1 application from a monolith to multiple components. The refactoring results into two components, one for the account management containing the login, registration and account management and the other the old marketplace, where...

Category: 4 Theses, 4.3 Finished Theses

Abstract: Property-Based Testing enables the user to generate test cases automatically. The JUnit 5 based engine jqwik makes Property-Based Testing for the Java programming language easy. However, until now it is not possible to generate test cases for all data types built into the JDK.This paper w...

Category: 4 Theses, 4.3 Finished Theses