Upcoming Talk: Peter Ganten of Univention GmbH on Open Source Business Models: Why and How?
We will be hosting an industry talk on “Open Source Business Models: Why and How?” in Commercial Open Source Startups (COSS). The talk is free and open to the public.
- by: Peter Ganten, Univention GmbH
- about: Open Source Business Models: Why and How?
- on: February 9th, 2022, 10:45-11:45 Uhr
- on: Zoom (link after registration)
- as part of: COSS
Abstract: A popular question that one is often confronted with when active in the open source business is: How can you make money with something that is free? That it is possible has been shown by a number of companies generating remarkable revenues with an open source business model. This presentation will explore the question of how this can be done and how it can be used to operate a sustainable, scaling business model.
Speaker: Peter Ganten is Managing Director of Univention GmbH, an internationally active developer of an open source platform for identity management, application integration, and end-user portals, which he founded in 2002. He is also co-founder and, since 2011, Chairman of the Board of the Open Source
Business Alliance – Bundesverband für digitale Souveränität. There, he dedicates himself as a stakeholder and idea provider to a new generation of information technology that can be co-designed and controlled by developers, operators and user organizations in the spirit of digital sovereignty.